miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

Enterate de todo sobre Resident Evil 4 Afterlife

Esta vez nos hemos enterado de algunos detalles de la proxima pelicula de Resident Evil, y la fuente es proveniente de la mismisima Milla Jovovich quien atravez de su cuenta en twitter nos cuenta algunas cosas sobre la pelicula. Al parecer la pelicula ya esta en proceso de filmacion y Milla esta más que lista para efectuar todas sus acrobacias y escenas |de accion donde despellejara zombies todo un buen rato.

A contiuacion ponemos sus tweets respecto a la pelicula :

so thru the whole scene its literally raining! so beautiful!

about 1 hour ago from mobile web

Reply he has a HUGE axe and we're in a prison shower, so everytime he swings the axe, showers explode!

about 1 hour ago from mobile web

Reply they were of the big action sequence with Alice and Claire fighting THE EXECUTIONER who in reality is an 8 ft. tall heavy weight boxer!

about 1 hour ago from mobile web

Reply so cool! paul just told us the dailys from the last few days look INCREDIBLE!!! (dailys is the latest footage that's been shot already)

about 1 hour ago from mobile web

Reply wow, ali larter's ass looks amazing in her costume!

about 1 hour ago from mobile web

Reply no offense, but can sony pictures not plug their other project on my twitter page? thanks!

about 1 hour ago from mobile web

Reply people who live in the skyscrapers around the harbor phoned 911 reporting a plane crash on the ship! how rad! they got HUNDREDS of call!

about 4 hours ago from mobile web

Reply i fly a small aircraft in this film and they did a shot of it landing on the boat we're on the night before last and get this, all the

about 4 hours ago from mobile web

Reply you know whats the best thing to remove dried blood with? (fake blood i mean! lol!) shaving foam.

about 4 hours ago from mobile web

Reply its so exciting though, to think that we're inventing things on this movie that will probably be standard in 5 years time!

about 4 hours ago from mobile web

Reply that high and far. the technology we're using is all so new and cutting edge that you cant just buy rigs premade to get the shots we want!

about 4 hours ago from mobile web

Reply one of the scenes we're shooting today is the last scene in the movie and the guys had to invent something that could take a 3d camera

about 4 hours ago from mobile web

Reply it actually felt like my hand was burning. how crazy! for a body part to freeze so much it feels hot...

about 5 hours ago from mobile web

Reply i have to have blood on my arm dripping from an open wound i get fighting Wesker and it literally froze

about 5 hours ago from mobile web


about 10 hours ago from mobile web

Reply someone asked about Wenty's workout routine, lol! right now it consists of sleeping in the make up chair! lol! but he's a total babe!

about 10 hours ago from mobile web

Reply some of you said my pic is boring, sorry i'm tweeting for the first time, will tell sony to change it

about 10 hours ago from mobile web

Reply my in laws just arrived, besides stunt rehearsals and just putting time aside after work to play with Ever (i got her a play kitchen! lol!)

about 11 hours ago from mobile web

Reply oh jeez, i just realized i have a bunch of dialogue today, have to go memorize it! oops! lol! look, i've had a bday party for my baby and

about 11 hours ago from mobile web

Reply still floating on air after that excellent flying spin kick, i definitly think we've topped the other RE films with this one. like an arrow.

about 11 hours ago from mobile web

Reply now running back to the boat to freeze my ninja butt off for the rest of the day.

about 11 hours ago from mobile web

Reply haha!715 am and we just finished the spin kick, it's the sickest kick i've ever done! woohoo!

about 11 hours ago from mobile web

Reply aha! got a call sheet and its another glorious 5am pick up! ah, good times, good times!

4:05 PM Nov 3rd from mobile web

Reply just wrapped and now off to stunt rehearsal to paractice my super back flying kick! its gonna be so incredible! i own it.

4:03 PM Nov 3rd from mobile web

Reply the cast is going on set and we have a lot of weapons.

2:22 PM Nov 3rd from mobile web

Reply Ali is so cold now, she's saying she's feeling warm (classic signs of the final stages of hypothermia)

1:41 PM Nov 3rd from mobile web

Reply ok, it just started hailing and Wentworth is reading his lines really fast so he can go home!

1:39 PM Nov 3rd from mobile web

Reply ofcourse Ali and I aren't wearing much and to make matters worse Wenty is driving the boat himself and crashing it repeatedly! lol!

11:15 AM Nov 3rd from mobile web

Reply wow, just finished a scene with Ali Larter and Wentworth Miller on a skiff approaching the huge ship.to say its cold is a joke.a bitter joke

11:12 AM Nov 3rd from mobile web

Reply wow, just finished a scene with Ali Larter and Wentworth Miller on a skiff approaching the huge ship. to say its cold is a joke.

Fuente: Milla Jovovich Twitter

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